I've been back in New York now for almost 3 months now! Once again time has gone so quickly...(remember when a year seemed like forever as a kid??) While being on the Jade was a great experience, I was definitely ready to get back to dry land...and cell phones...and real internet...and take out Thai food. I have been so blessed to be provided with the opportunity to travel to so many different places that I only ever dreamed of going...Norway, Egypt, Ireland, France...and the people that I met while doing it are people that I hope to always have in my life...wonderful, wonderful friends and performers. HOWEVER...ship life itself was just not for me. It was a little bit like being in the military, a little like being in high school, a TEENSY bit like being on vacation for too long. I'm just not used to people telling me where to be, who to talk to, what to wear, when my curfew is. I don't think I'll be repeating life on the open seas, but I really do feel incredibly blessed that I was able to perform in this capacity. I needed this job when it came along professionally, creatively, financially and emotionally.
Being back in the city is always hard for me. I feel an almost instantanious panic attack when I don't immediately book another job. I am surrounded by some of the most talented friends imaginable but that is both a blessing and a curse. So many of them are constantly working or booking shows on Broadway or just being total badasses around town and it can be hard not to feel "less than". But I'm working hard and expanding my horizons and waiting for life to lead me in the direction that I am supposed to go, just like it always has!