We just started our second show, AND THE WORLD GOES 'ROUND and it has actually been a lot less stressful than SHOUT! so far. I am really loving the vibe of the show and singing Kander and Ebb is always amazing. I'm also getting to dance much more than I have been in the past two years, doing "Arthur in the Afternoon" and "All that Jazz". There is also a group number where we all play...[wait for it]...the BANJO. Haha, we spent a good couple of hours learning how to play the song from a local Nashville Banjo player. Now I thought that that was pretty good, but then today they tell us that we will be working on roller skating for a section called "The Rink"...I don't think that I have ever laughed so hard in my life. Just 10 people trying to stay on their feet, falling on their asses, slowly learning BASIC tricks and laughing at themselves. And it's times like these that I am amazed that this is my job....I know very few people that are constantly challenged and laugh til they cry and play the banjo and roller skate and get PAID for it.
And I hope that I remember this feeling the next time that I can't get seen at an audition and am already late for my waitressing job...